About Us

Braver Stronger Smarter Incorporated begins with the story of Eva Wheatley who was diagnosed with metastatic embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma at 4 years of age, in early 2012.   She fought this beast for 2 years and 8 months, losing her left arm to it in January 2014.  Conventional treatment options were exhausted early in her battle and she tried a number of treatments not tried on her cancer type before.  Our little hero never allowed cancer to beat her despite leaving us on 28th October, 2014.  Eva beat cancer because of how she handled living with cancer.  At her young age she opened people’s hearts to endless possibilities, and inspired hope and healing in countless individuals.  Eva showed an extraordinary happiness and enjoyment of life despite extreme adversity.

When Eva relapsed about six months after her intensive year long chemotherapy and radiation treatments, her family, friends, medical team, local community and international Facebook community wrapped her in their arms.  With the help of hundreds of people, money was raised to help Eva fight a formidable foe.  Without all of these wonderful people Eva’s smile would not have shone so bright for as long as it did.  Many of these precious individuals are continuing to fight for other children in Eva’s honour.
To maximise the impact of funds generated by our supporters we are fortunate in being able to seek external advice from our research and charity partners, who already have well established scientific advisory boards, to help identify the most suitable research projects which align with our mission.
Our committee is made up of many individuals with a broad skill base in teaching, science, psychology, human resources, public service, corporate accounting and business management.  Childhood cancer awareness projects are developed as a collaboration of community and committee input and abide by a firm evaluation program.  All committee members commit their time to Braver Stronger Smarter Inc on a volunteer basis.

Eva’s family and friends are determined to continue her legacy by honouring her example in always looking for sunshine in the shadows.  We are dedicated to:

*  Raising community and government awareness of childhood cancer and empowering others to become involved and make a difference in the lives of children with cancer.
Braver Stronger Smarter is the only organisation in Australia to produce and deliver a program within the community which attempts to raise awareness of the most common childhood cancer signs and symptoms.  Unlike some adult cancers, childhood cancer cannot be prevented, so in many cases early diagnosis is a child’s only chance to increase liklihood of survival.  Our Superdoll Project represents children who have battled cancer and scientists attempting to find cures as dolls created in their likeness.  These ambassadors for childhood cancer visit schools and kindergartens around the nation sharing their journey, information about what cancer is, facts about childhood cancer in Australia, ideas to use within a teaching program, as well as providing information on common symptoms of all childhood cancers.

*  Raising money for translational research into high risk childhood cancers.
Unfortunately, most childhood cancer victims continue to be treated with medications that were developed thirty to forty years ago which were originally designed to fight adult cancers.  The impact of these highly toxic treatments on developing bodies often results in serious long-term health problems.  For 20% of all children diagnosed these drugs remain ineffective and they lose their life.  In Australia, up to 4 children die from cancer every week  New treatments designed for children targeting the unique molecular variants of their disease are desperately required to save lives and improve the quality of life for children fighting cancer.

*  Raising money to help children who have exhausted conventional treatment options to obtain personalised medical assistance. 
Children suffering cancer in Australia often do not have access to many of the clinical trials available overseas.  When disease continues to progress after all standard treatments are exhausted, we aim to provide assistance towards obtaining treatments which would otherwise be denied as a result of cost or distance where a clinician feels it may be of benefit to the child.  This includes access to molecular profiling if possible and relevant.

To help create a world where no family fears childhood cancer.

Caring – We are passionate, respectful and empathetic toward families and communities touched by childhood cancer. This builds an environment which allows volunteers to thrive, and contributes to our ability to advance our cause.
Innovative – We are committed to exploring new ideas to share, inform, educate and assist.  We seek others who are also share a willingness to think outside the box to explore new territories.
Courageous – We value the determination and tenacity of our volunteers and families to take bold steps to effect positive change.  We recognise this spirit requires unique strength.
Collaborative – We recognise that all ideas have value when there are still so many unanswered questions to save our children’s lives and improve their quality of life.  This helps to leverage collective genius from everywhere through valuing diversity.
Integrity and authenticity – We have walked the road of childhood cancer and understand its pain. We are honest and ethical, and engage in responsible decision making that reflects the highest standards of conduct.

Support for the Wheatley family grew from a local ‘grassroots’ foundation to a national and international family of supporters inspired by Eva’s courage and tenacious spirit.  We are unique in the sense that we remain ‘grassroots’, supported and inspired by the love and willingness to help from children and families everywhere.  Our charity is operated by volunteers and has a high level of community inclusion.  Donations are translated into helping the amazing researchers, clinicians, organisations, families and individuals who are working so hard to bring a much-needed dramatic change to the landscape of childhood cancer as well as supporting the Superdoll childhood cancer awareness project.